It is a pleasure to inform you that you can convert your school/Institute into a SMART Smart School/Institute. You can reduce paperwork by up to 80%. Application calling, registering, recruitment, student attendance, teacher and staff attendance, communication with all stakeholders, online teaching learning process and all the activities that are done in school/Institute can be handled on a digital platform with 100% accuracy and high efficiency.
Whether your school is small or large, you can convert your school/Institute into a school/Institute. All communication with the school/Institute head of the province and with other relevant authorities can be conducted on a digital platform.
school/Institute no need to invest any money to transform your school/Institute as SMART school/Institute. It is a totally free with ” International Project to transform all school/Institute as SMART school/Institute”
If you are school/Institute owner or principal you can register to get support to convert your school/Institute as digitalized SMART school/Institute
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